Prevention and suppression of wild fires and fire and rescue services

Here, we can highlight the following services:

  • Wildfire prevention and suppression service in the east of the Madrid Autonomous Region.
  • Fire-fighting and rescue services from the fire stations of Bueu, Porriño, Ribadavia, and Villagarcia de Arosa in the province of Pontevedra (Spain).
  • Prevention and planning for the Wildland Urban Interphase (WUF), which includes:
    • Civilian Protection Plans against wildfires (municipal and individual self-protection plans).
    • Development of the MATINGRID®GEODTABASE platform used in the management of emergencies and maintenance of Civilian Protection Services.
    • Preventive work in urban centres as defence against wildfires.
    • Look-out monitoring in firebreaks.
    • Fire-protective gardening.
    • Awareness-building and training courses.