Privacy Policy | ||
Data Controller |
MANTENIMIENTO DE INFRAESTRUCTURA, S.A. (hereinafter “the Entity”), with Tax Number A80173115 and located at c/ Federico Salmón, 13, 2ª planta, 28050, Madrid, España. Postal contact address at Avenida del Camino de Santiago, 40 28050. Madrid. Web and data protecction |
Typology of the data according to the way they were gathered |
Automaticaly gathered data |
Personal data volntarily isued by the User |
Internet Service provider (ISP) name. As an example, a User of the provider XXX will be identified as the domain. La fecha y hora de acceso a nuestro Portal. Google Analytics gathered navigation and analytic data. You may find further information about the privacy policy of Google Analytics at Internet address where the link that redirect the user to our website. You may find further information about the gathered information by cookies and its definition at |
Identifying data (name, surname, etc.), contact data (email address, postal address, telephone number, social networks username, etc), and other data issued by other forms or by email sent to the Entity. Identifying data (such as personal image published in posts and press notes in the website, when there is enough legitimation). Academic and professional data (usually curriculums) issued by the User through the form “Work in FCC”. To fulfil it, the user will be redirected to a webpage where is possible to find all the information about privacy previously to the submission of the data. Commercial data (activities or business, commercial licenses, subscription to the Entity newsletters). Any other information issued by the User through the website forms. |
Purposes/Legitimation |
Manage the relation between the Users and all the entities of the FCC Group. |
GDPR 6.1.a) Consent granted by the User (Including a clear affirmative action, when the User address to the Entity). You may revoke your consent at any time sending an email to where your request must be clearly explained. Additionally, every communication you may receive reminds you the chance to object to receive it. |
Attend the requests and consults about FCC Group Services through the Portal. |
Attend the requests and consults in accordance of the FCC Group Services provided through the Website. Additionally, attend the requests to include the User in lists of communication about FCC Group, which the user is a shareholder of. |
Attend the requests or consults about communication and press areas. |
Manage your subscription to the different communication network newsletter and distribution lists of the FCC Group. |
Manage personnel selection processes through the page “work in FCC”. Further information in |
Manage your participation in the different campaigns and social initiatives proposed by the Entity or any other FCC Group entity. |
Use your image in the website. |
Develop statistics about the countries and servers where the visits to the website came. |
GDPR: 6.1.f) Fulfiling of the legitimate interests pursued by the Entity or any other FCC Group entity. Particularly, to improve security and availability of the website, and to know aggregated information about the locations where FCC Group may have more popularity or demand. However, we inform you that you may request further information about the assessment where the legitimate interest was considered to |
Take acknowledge about the hours of higher visits flow to the website, as well as develop needed upgrades to avoid access issues. |
Advanced management of requests and consults about services submitted through the website. |
GDPR: 6.1.b) Precontractual relation management. |
Data storage |
Your data will be storage while necessary to the develop of the mentioned purposes or until you may object to those purposes based on legitimate interest or you may revoke your consent. Nevertheless, it is possible that the Entity need to keep storing these data blocked further time, in order to face the legal actions derived from the processing, during the term those legal actions may be arise, as well, in such case, to the exercise of or defence from claims. The Entity commits to process and gather personal data: § In a lawful, fair and transparent way, § In an adequate, relevant and limited to the needed way, § Ensuring confidentiality and security of the data, § For the necessary time. |
Recipients of the transfers |
Your data may be transfer to other FCC Group companies that may belong to the real estate, construction, concretes, citizenship services management, integral water cycle, urban wastes management sectors and other activities related to the environment, to manage the relation with you. The companies or entities that, as stablished in the article 42 of the Spanish Commerce Code and, specifically, those referred in the FCC, S.A. updated consolidate annual account memory published in the website are considered part of the FCC Group. Some of the previously referred companies (o those subcontracted by the FCC Group) may be placed outside of the Economic European Area or in a country that does not ensure a similar level of data protection in accordance with the European Commission – carrying out an International Data Transfer – IDT). That IDT will be regularized with enough adequate safeguards (Standard Contractual Clauses, Binding Corporate Rules or the exceptions established in the article 49 GDPR), overseen for the security of your data and in the exclusive pursue of the purposes before mentioned. You may request for further information about the recipients of your data sending an email to appointing the process or the specific purpose of which recipients you want information about the recipients. |
In compliance with the Regulation (UE) 2016/679, General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter, GDPR), the Spanish Data Protection Law (Ley Orgánica 3/2018, de 5 de diciembre de Protección de datos Personales y garantía de los derechos digitales), and the Law 34/2002, of July 11th the Information Societies and eCommerce, as well as any other applicable regulation, we inform you that data protection is one of the most important pillars of FCC Group. The compliance of the regulation according data protection in force is a priority and we develop it with the most transparency. We make available to the User this Policy in order to explain how are going to process their data through this website.
The User is informed and consent the processing of the data issued in the navigation through the website, as well as those generated as a consequence of its use, included, when apply, the international or local data transfers that may be carried out, in the pursue of the purposes appointed in this section.
Tis website is design for users older than 14 years old, unless they access with their parents or legal tutors oversee, thus, if you are no accompanied by any of these, you must be older than 14 years old to consent the processing of your personal data.
Tratamientos realizados desde el portal (
Subject Rights | ||
Derecho |
Contenido |
Canales de Atención |
Access |
You may request a confirmation about if the Entity process your personal data, and consult your personal data included in the Entity files. |
Podrá ejercer cualquiera de estos derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión y portabilidad, de limitación y oposición al tratamiento, retirar el consentimiento prestado, así como a no ser objeto de decisiones basadas únicamente en el tratamiento automatizado de sus datos, cuando procedan. Para ello, se deberá remitir comunicación por escrito a Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas, S.A - Dpto. Seguridad de la Información y Riesgos Tecnológicos. Avenida del Camino de Santiago, 40 28050. Madrid o a través de correo electrónico a, identificándose debidamente e indicando claramente el derecho que desea ejercer. El ejercicio de estos derechos es gratuito. |
Rectification |
You may request the modification of your data when there are inexact, as well as complete those incomplete. |
Deletion |
You may request the deletion of your personal data when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purpose they were gathered. |
Objection |
You may request that your personal data are no longer processed. The Entity will stop the processing, unless there are related legitimate interests, or for the issue of and defence from legal claims. |
Restriction of the processing |
You may request the restriction of the processing of your data in the following cases: § While there is an open impugnment about the accuracy of your data; § When the processing is licit, you object to the deletion of the data and request the restriction of the processing; § When the Entity does not need to process your data, but you need them to exercises or defence from claims; § When you have object to your data processing for the purpose of the compliance with a public interest mission or satisfaction of a legitimate interest, while there is an open review of if there is legitimation enough to process your data. |
Portability |
You may recieve, in an electronic format, the personal data that you may have issued to us and those obtain from the contractual relation with the Entity, as well as those sent to another entity. |
If you may consider that the processing of your data has been carried out without compliance of the data protection regulation or you may need further information about the processing, you may contact directly to the data protection area through the email: If you are still not satisfied with the answer, you may file a claim before the Spanish Control Authority, Agencia Española de Protección de Datos ( |
Other process carried out by the FCC Group
FCC Group (FCC) carries out the processing of personal data of different data subjects in many fields of action, every one of these are informed at the time and place where the processing takes place, as it is established in the REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR), the Spanish Data Protection Law (Ley Orgánica 3/2018, de 5 de diciembre de Protección de datos Personales y garantía de los derechos digitales), as any other applicable regularion. Therefore, in order to make compatible the higher information requirement required by the aforementioned regulations and the conciseness and understanding in the way of presenting it, FCC opts, as recommended by the Spanish Control Authority Data Protection Agency, for a layered information model.
Thus, this section contains the second layer of the information policy regarding the protection of Personal Data in different areas of the processing of personal data carried out by FCC.
The aforementioned treatments are related to:
Data Controller |
MANTENIMIENTO DE INFRAESTRUCTURAS, S.A. (FCC), with CIF A80173115. C/Federico Salmón, 13 – 2nd Floor – 28016 – Madrid (Spain). Contact postal address at Avenida del Camino de Santiago, 40 28050. Madrid. Website and data protection contact at |
In general, any FCC Group entity that may contract any service and/or product. FCC Group entities are the companies listed in the notes to the most recent consolidated financial statements of FCCSA published on the website (hereinafter referred to indistinctly as the FCC Entity in question). |
Purpose/legitimization | Manage i) the contractual relationship established between the parties, ii) payments for the provision of services and/or products. | Manage compliance with the corresponding legal obligations. | ||||||||||
The data processing is necessary for the execution of the contract concluded between the parties. | The processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation applicable to the FCC Entity concerned. | |||||||||||
Addressees |
- To the Tax Agency and other public administrations, in order to carry out the corresponding tax declarations and comply with the respective legal obligations of the Parties in accordance with the applicable regulations. - To Courts or Tribunals and/or Public Administrations for the attention of any judicial, legal and administrative requirement. - Other entities of the FCC Group (real estate, construction, cement, citizen services management, integral water cycle, urban waste management and activities related to the environment), on certain occasions, for services that may be provided between entities of the FCC Group. The data and activities of the FCC Group companies appear in the latest consolidated annual accounts of FCCSA and published in You can request more information about the specific recipients by sending an e-mail to, indicating the specific treatment or purpose about whose recipients you would like information.
International Transfers of Personal Data |
The FCC Entity in question has contracted i) NTT DATA PERÚ BPO S.A.C. (20536120166 - Address: Calle Jean Valdivia 148 piso 4, San Isidro -Peru) as a provider of management and resolution of incidents related to the SAP system (ERP billing) and ii) HITSS Inc (20-85126967 - Address: 1605 LBJ Freeway, Suite 200, Dallas, TX 75234) as a provider of technology services for the management of the Service Desk (both located outside the European Economic Area, in Peru and Mexico, respectively). The processing of personal data in these two countries, given that there is no comparable level of data protection as in the European Economic Area, implies an international transfer of data. However, we inform you that we transfer your data with appropriate safeguards and always ensuring the security of your data, under standard contractual clauses. You may request specific information by contacting the FCC Data Protection Officer by sending an e-mail to |
Type of data |
Identification and contact data (name/surname/NIF/NIE or Passport, address/email/phone/photo, nationality,), signature, employment data, economic data or those that may be necessary for the management of the contractual and payment relationship. |
Data origin |
The personal data comes from the information you have provided us (or any member of your entity), if you are a signatory to the contract. |
Retention of your curricular data |
They will be kept for the duration of the contractual relationship between the parties, as well as, thereafter, for the statute of limitations of actions arising from such provision. |
Your Data Protection Rights |
Exercise of rights of access, rectification, deletion, portability of your data, limitation, opposition to its processing and/or revocation of consent (when applicable). You must duly identify yourself and specify the right you are exercising by writing to Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas, S.A. - Information Security and Technological Risks Dept. Avenida del Camino de Santiago, 40, CP 28050 de Madrid, or by e-mail to If you consider that your personal data have not been processed in accordance with the regulations or if you require further information on the processing, you may contact the Data Protection Officer of FCC, S.A. directly at the following address: If, even so, you are not satisfied with the response, you may in any case file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency ( |
Additional information |
In the event that the Provider must provide personal data of its employees and/or third parties involved in the provision of the Services, such data will be processed by the FCC entity in question, for the purpose of managing the tasks entrusted, access to the facilities (if any), compliance with labor regulations, as well as any other legal obligation, in an appropriate manner and always in accordance with the applicable regulations. In this case, the Supplier declares and guarantees the collection and communication of data from its employees and third parties involved in the provision of the Services in a lawful manner, the veracity of the data, the fulfillment of the duty of information, that it has sufficient legitimacy for the processing and transfer of such data, as well as that it complies with the other requirements of the applicable data protection regulations. |
Data Controller |
MANTENIMIENTO DE INFRAESTRUCTURA, S.A. (hereinafter “the Entity”), with Tax Number A80173115 and located at c/ Federico Salmón, 13, 2ª planta, 28050, Madrid, España. Postal contact address at Avenida del Camino de Santiago, 40 28050. Madrid. Web and data protecction
Processing purposes / legitimation |
Managing the relation with the client. |
GDPR: 6.1 b) Execution of a contract in which the Client is a party. |
Manage the billing, collections and payments related to the services contracted by the Client. |
Address any incidents that may arise, as well as prepare satisfaction surveys on the product or service contracted. Provide the services and information requested, either by web, post or by phone. |
Maintain a direct relationship with the Client for advertising, promotional and / or statistical purposes, so that FCC Group Clients can be offered services and products similar to those previously contracted or in which they have shown an interest. On the other hand, statistics with aggregated data may be compiled to project advertising campaigns. |
GDPR: 6.1 f) Satisfaction of legitimate interests pursued by the data controller. The interest of the Controller results from the advertising promotion of products similar to those that the User has requested, in order to increase the possibilities of providing services by them. In any case, we inform you that you may request more information from on the analysis of the weighting of interests carried out. |
Proceed to record the telephone conversations made to the Customer Service Department, in order to guarantee a better quality of the service, as well as, on certain occasions, to guarantee the contracting process. Likewise, the emails may report a confirmation of their reception and reading. |
GDPR: 6.1 f) Satisfaction of legitimate interests pursued by the data controller. The interest refers to documenting both the contractual agreements and the rest of the matters related to the provision of services that imply any notification, agreement or proposal by the Responsible Party. In any case, we inform you that you may request more information from on the analysis of the weighting of interests carried out. |
Recipients of assignments |
Your data will be transferred to companies of the FCC Group that belong to the real estate, construction, cement, citizen services management, integral water cycle, urban waste management and activities related to the environment sector in order to manage the relationship with the Client. FCC Group companies are all those companies or entities that have any FCC Group entity as the parent company for the purposes of article 42 of the Spanish Commercial Code and, specifically, the companies that are listed in the report of the latest consolidated annual accounts of FCC, SA published on the website Some of these previous companies (or those that are subcontracted by FCC Group) may be located outside the European Economic Area or in a country that does not provide the adequate level of data protection, in accordance with the European Commission - thus producing an International Transfer. -TID). Said TID will be regularized with the appropriate guarantees (such as standard contractual clauses, binding corporate regulations or the conditions of article 49 GDPR), ensuring the security of your data and exclusively for the same purposes previously reported. You may request more information about the recipients of your data by sending an email to the address indicating the specific treatment or use on whose recipients you would like information. |
Data typology |
Identification and contact data (name, surname, ID, Passport, telephone, email, employment data, data of transactions of goods and services, economic, financial and insurance data (bank data) of clients, those other data that could be necessary |
Source |
The data have been gathered directly from the client. |
Data retention |
The personal data provided will be kept as long as the contractual relationship is maintained, its deletion is not requested by the Client and should not be eliminated because it is necessary for the fulfillment of a legal obligation or for the formulation, exercise and defense of claims. If the Client exercises the rights of cancellation or deletion, their data will be kept blocked at the disposal of the Administration of Justice during the legally established periods to attend to the possible responsibilities arising from the treatment thereof. |
Rights of the data Subjects (Clients) |
You may exercise the rights of access, rectification, deletion and portability, limitation and opposition to treatment, withdraw the consent given, as well as not being the subject of decisions based solely on the automated processing of your data, when appropriate. For this, a written communication must be sent to FCC CONSTRUCCIÓN, S.A. - Infrastructure Area. Avenida del Camino de Santiago, 40 28050. Madrid or by email to,, duly identifying yourself and clearly indicating the right you wish to exercise. The exercise of these rights is free. If you consider that your personal data has not been processed in accordance with the data protection regulations or you need more information about the treatment, you may directly contact the data protection area at the following address: If, even so, you are not satisfied with the answer, in any case you may file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection ( |
Services providers |
Likewise, the service providers of the FCC Entity with which you have contracted may have access to your data, only for the provision of the service that the Client has contracted. You may request more information about the recipients of your data by sending an email to the address,, indicating the specific treatment or use on whose recipients you would like information. |
Third parties personak data |
In the event that the personal data provided belongs to a third party, the Client guarantees that they have informed said third party of this Privacy Policy and that they have sufficient legitimacy to provide their data to FCC for the aforementioned purposes. Likewise, it guarantees that the data provided is accurate and up-to-date, being responsible for any damage or loss, direct or indirect, that may be caused as a result of the breach of such obligation. |
Data Controller |
MANTENIMIENTO DE INFRAESTRUCTURA, S.A. (hereinafter “the Entity”), with Tax Number A80173115 and located at c/ Federico Salmón, 13, 2ª planta, 28050, Madrid, España. Postal contact address at Avenida del Camino de Santiago, 40 28050. Madrid. Web and data protecction |
Purposes/Lefitimation |
Manage access and security of the facilities. |
RGPD: 6.1 f) Purpose based on the legitimate interest of the Responsible to maintain the security of the people, facilities and property for which they are responsible. The recorded images may help prevent and / or document evidence of various kinds of infractions carried out by those who access the FCC Group facilities, or help protect people or property in the face of risky circumstances. In any case, we inform you that you may request more information from on the analysis of the weighting of interests carried out. |
Recipients of assignments |
State Security Forces and Bodies and Judges, Courts and the Public Prosecutor's Office for the investigation of possible illegal or criminal acts in compliance with current regulations. |
Typology of data |
Identification personal data (image). |
Source |
Los datos provienen de su captación directamente de los interesados. |
Data retention |
30 calendar days from collection. |
Rights of the data Subjects |
You may exercise the rights of access, rectification, deletion and portability, limitation and opposition to treatment, withdraw the consent given, as well as not being the subject of decisions based solely on the automated processing of your data, when appropriate. For this, a written communication must be sent to FCC CONSTRUCCIÓN, S.A. - Infrastructure Area. Avenida del Camino de Santiago, 40 28050. Madrid or by email to, duly identifying yourself and clearly indicating the right you wish to exercise. The exercise of these rights is free. If you consider that your personal data has not been processed in accordance with the data protection regulations or you need more information about the treatment, you may directly contact the data protection area at the following address: If, even so, you are not satisfied with the answer, in any case you may file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection ( |
Data Controller |
MANTENIMIENTO DE INFRAESTRUCTURA, S.A. (hereinafter “the Entity”), with Tax Number A80173115 and located at c/ Federico Salmón, 13, 2ª planta, 28050, Madrid, España. Postal contact address at Avenida del Camino de Santiago, 40 28050. Madrid. Web and data protecction |
Purposes / Legitimation |
Manage the personnel selection processes in any FCC Group Entity: includes selection of resumes, interviews, selection tests, communication of results to candidates. |
GDPR: 6.1 a) Purpose based on the consent of the candidate. |
Manage the curriculum database received not related to open selection processes, for possible inclusion in future processes of any FCC Group Entity. |
GDPR: 6.1 f) Purpose based on the legitimate interest of the person in charge of selecting personnel for the FCC Group in future processes, when it is feasible that they may need the information extracted from previous processes to facilitate new hires. In any case, we inform you that you may request more information from on the analysis of the weighting of interests carried out. |
Only in certain cases, assess the candidate's qualification for the position to be filled through the tests included in the selection process in which he is participating. For this assessment, it will be necessary to carry out a profiling of the candidate, which consists of checking if their qualifications and characteristics (that is, their responses to the forms) coincide with the preconfigured requirements in the tool itself by the selector and that they are necessary, According to the latter's criteria, for the performance of the job position for which the candidate is applying. However, prior to performing the profiling, all the necessary information will be provided so that the candidate can know the specific characteristics, the applied logic and implications. |
GDPR: 6.1 a) Purpose based on the consent of the candidate. |
Recipients of assignments |
Your data will be transferred to companies of the FCC Group that belong to the real estate, construction, cement, citizen services management, integral water cycle, urban waste management and activities related to the environment sector in order to manage the relationship with the candidate. FCC Group companies are all those companies or entities that have any FCC Group entity as the parent company for the purposes of article 42 of the Commercial Code and, specifically, the companies that are listed in the report of the latest consolidated annual accounts of FCC, SA published on the website Some of these companies (or those that are subcontracted by FCC Group) may be located outside the European Economic Area or in a country that does not provide the adequate level of data protection, in accordance with the European Commission - thus producing an International Transfer - TID). Said TID will be regularized with the appropriate guarantees (such as standard contractual clauses, binding corporate regulations or the conditions of article 49 RGPD), ensuring the security of your data and exclusively for the same purposes previously reported. You may request more information about the recipients of your data by sending an email to the address indicating the specific treatment or use on whose recipients you would like information. |
Typology of data |
Identification and contact data, personal characteristics data (family data, date of birth, age, sex, nationality), data on social circumstances (hobbies and lifestyle, membership in clubs, associations, marital status), academic data and professionals (training, qualifications, professional experience, membership in schools), job details (job position), economic, financial and insurance data (bank, payroll data). |
Source |
Although the vast majority of times the data comes from the candidate himself, in some cases, the FCC Entity may receive his / her curricular data through city councils, training centers, etc. with which it has signed commercial agreements or service contracts, which will include a regulation of the processing of personal data in accordance with current regulations. Likewise, the FCC Entity may extract curricular data from LinkedIn and InfoJobs in the event that the interested party has authorized them to do so. |
Data retention |
The data will be kept for the duration of the process or 12 months after the closure of the process if it is not selected. |
Rights of the data Subjects (Candidates) |
You may exercise the rights of access, rectification, deletion and portability, limitation and opposition to treatment, withdraw the consent given, as well as not being the subject of decisions based solely on the automated processing of your data, when appropriate. For this, a written communication must be sent to FCC CONSTRUCCIÓN, S.A. - Infrastructure Area. Avenida del Camino de Santiago, 40 28050. Madrid or by email to, duly identifying yourself and clearly indicating the right you wish to exercise. The exercise of these rights is free. If you consider that your personal data has not been processed in accordance with the data protection regulations or you need more information about the treatment, you may directly contact the data protection area at the following address: If, even so, you are not satisfied with the answer, in any case you may file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection ( |
Services providers |
Likewise, the service providers of the FCC Entity with which it has contracted, such as LinkedIn or Infojobs, may have access to your data only for the provision of the FCC personnel selection service. You may request more information about the recipients of your data by sending an email to the address, indicating the specific treatment or use on whose recipients you would like information. |
Third parties personal data |
In the event that the personal data provided belongs to a third party, the candidate guarantees that they have informed said third party of this Privacy Policy and that they have sufficient legitimacy to provide their data to FCC for the aforementioned purposes. Likewise, it guarantees that the data provided is accurate and up-to-date, being responsible for any damage or loss, direct or indirect, that may be caused as a result of the breach of such obligation. |
Data Controller |
MANTENIMIENTO DE INFRAESTRUCTURA, S.A. (hereinafter “the Entity”), with Tax Number A80173115 and located at c/ Federico Salmón, 13, 2ª planta, 28050, Madrid, España. Postal contact address at Avenida del Camino de Santiago, 40 28050. Madrid. Web and data protecction |
Purposes/Legitimation |
Control, management and verification of the identity of the VISITS to the facilities |
RGPD: 6.1 f) Purpose based on the legitimate interest of the Responsible to guarantee the security of the facilities, people and goods. The recorded images may help prevent and / or document evidence of various kinds of infractions carried out by anyone accessing the FCC Group facilities, or help protect people or property in the face of risky circumstances. In any case, we inform you that you may request more information from on the analysis of the weighting of interests carried out. |
Recipients of assignments |
By legal obligation, to the State Security Forces and Judges, Courts and the Public Prosecutor's Office for the investigation of possible illegal or criminal acts in compliance with current regulations. To the person from FCC who receives the visit. |
Typology of data |
Identifying data (DNI, Name and surname, position). |
Source |
The data are gathered directly from the data subjects. |
Data retention |
30 calendar days from collection. |
Rights of the Data Subjects |
You may exercise the rights of access, rectification, deletion and portability, limitation and opposition to treatment, withdraw the consent given, as well as not being the subject of decisions based solely on the automated processing of your data, when appropriate. For this, a written communication must be sent to FCC CONSTRUCCIÓN, S.A. - Infrastructure Area. Avenida del Camino de Santiago, 40 28050. Madrid or by email to, duly identifying yourself and clearly indicating the right you wish to exercise. The exercise of these rights is free. If you consider that your personal data has not been processed in accordance with the data protection regulations or you need more information about the treatment, you may directly contact the data protection area at the following address: If, even so, you are not satisfied with the answer, in any case you may file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection ( |
Data Controller |
FCC Construcción, S.A. (hereinafter “the Entity”), with Tax Number A28/854727 and located at c/ Balmes, 36, 08007, Barcelona, España. Postal contact address at Avenida del Camino de Santiago, 40 28050. Madrid. Web and data protecction email |
Purposes / Legitimation |
Analyze, investigate and resolve the facts described in each complaint received through the corporate channels established for this purpose, as well as manage the suggestions received to improve internal control, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Ethics and Conduct and the Harassment Protocol. |
GDPR: 6.1 f) Purpose based on the legitimate interest of the Responsible to investigate circumstances that may violate the Code of Ethics and Conduct or the FCC Group Harassment Protocol. |
Recipients of assignments |
Your data will be transferred to administrative / judicial / criminal bodies, Security Forces and Bodies, people of the FCC Group in charge of managing and carrying out the investigation, investigation and sanction of the fact (if necessary), the Compliance Officer of the FCC Group (or of any business area of the FCC Group), the Compliance Committee and the personnel with management and control functions of the FCC Human Resources Department or the Entity in which the Employee provides his services (in the event that there is a fact that may be susceptible to action). Your data may also be disclosed to FCC Group companies that belong to the real estate, construction, cement, citizen services management, integral water cycle, urban waste management and environmental-related activities to manage the complaint files received. FCC Group companies are all those companies or entities that have any FCC Group entity as the parent company for the purposes of article 42 of the Spanish Commercial Code and, specifically, the companies that are listed in the report of the latest consolidated annual accounts of FCC, SA published on the website Some of these companies (or those that are subcontracted by FCC Group) may be located outside the European Economic Area or in a country that does not provide the adequate level of data protection, in accordance with the European Commission - thus producing an International Transfer - TID). Said TID will be regularized with the appropriate guarantees (such as standard contractual clauses, binding corporate regulations or the conditions of article 49 RGPD), ensuring the security of your data and exclusively for the same purposes previously reported. You may request more information about the recipients of your data by sending an email to the address indicating the specific treatment or use on whose recipients you would like information. |
Typology of data |
Identification and contact data, data of administrative or criminal offenses, data of personal characteristics (family data, date of birth, age, sex, nationality), data of social circumstances (hobbies and lifestyle, membership of clubs, associations) , academic and professional data (training, degrees, professional experience, membership in schools), employment details (job position), economic, financial and insurance data, transaction data, goods and services, as well as the rest of the data that may be part of the record. |
Source |
The data have been gathered directly from the data subject or issued by the whistleblower. |
International data trasnfers |
FCC has one of its technology service providers located outside the European Economic Area, specifically in Mexico. In these cases, in which there is no comparable level of data protection such as that in Europe, we inform you that we transfer your data with the appropriate guarantees and always ensuring the security of your data, under the protection of standard contractual clauses. |
Data retention |
The personal data processed will be deleted after three months from the introduction of these, except when they are necessary for the investigation of the denounced conduct. Likewise, once the process is completed, it will be blocked, and subsequently, deleted once the term of the actions that may derive has been prescribed. |
Rights of the data subjects |
You may exercise the rights of access, rectification, deletion and portability, limitation and opposition to treatment, withdraw the consent given, as well as not being the subject of decisions based solely on the automated processing of your data, when appropriate. For this, a written communication must be sent to FCC CONSTRUCCIÓN, S.A. - Infrastructure Area. Avenida del Camino de Santiago, 40 28050. Madrid or by email to, duly identifying yourself and clearly indicating the right you wish to exercise. The exercise of these rights is free. If you consider that your personal data has not been processed in accordance with the data protection regulations or you need more information about the treatment, you may directly contact the data protection area at the following address: If, even so, you are not satisfied with the answer, in any case you may file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection ( |