The FCC Group's construction area launches the ‘TOGETHER’ campaign to mark International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
The FCC Group's construction area launches the ‘TOGETHER’ campaign to mark International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

The FCC Group's construction division has designed and disseminated the ‘TOGETHER’ campaign to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. The campaign maintains the FCC Group's commitment to the construction area to give visibility to a real problem that affects millions of women around the world, showing its support for all victims and raising society's awareness of a real problem that needs to be eradicated.
The communication action has been designed under the prism of equality, equity, inclusion and co-responsibility, with women of all backgrounds appearing in the campaign, age ...... The campaign encompasses and includes all types of violence, from micromachismos, emotional manipulation, control or isolation to the most serious abuse and violence.
According to the Barómetro Juventud y Género 2023, carried out by the Spanish Youth Institute, 19% of men between 15 and 29 years old deny the existence of gender violence when it is of ‘low intensity’, while 32% consider violence against women to be inevitable. These data show a worrying reluctance to acknowledge the problem and reflect the urgent need to raise awareness among men as well, so that they can reflect on and question attitudes that seem harmless, but which normalise violence.
The responsibility for detecting, pointing out and curbing violent or controlling attitudes should not, therefore, fall on women alone. In order to achieve a fairer and more equitable society, it is crucial that we all actively join efforts to prevent and raise awareness of gender-based violence and that we can all learn to detect the warning signs in time.
In Spain there are 99,644 active cases of victims of gender-based violence (in VioGén, 2024). Of these cases, 1,224 of them are adolescent minors; 52,123 have minors in their care; 1,684 of these girls and boys live under police protection.
The FCC Group's construction area renews its commitment to public administrations and social partners and will continue to implement internal awareness-raising actions aimed at raising awareness of the need to eradicate this social scourge and mitigate its effects on the victims.
The key to success consists of transmitting to everyone in the FCC Group's construction area a vision of change, progress and awareness, applied to all those actions whose objective is to put an end to violence against women, promoting communication, especially in the different countries in the world where these practices are present.