Mantenimiento de Infraestructuras S.A. (MATINSA), belongs to the FCC Group, whose activities cover all areas of the maintenance of large infrastructures, establishes this document as a reference framework for the implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System and Road Safety.
The company's management considers the health and safety of workers as one of the strategic and fundamental pillars of the organization, acquiring responsibility for the prevention of injuries and deterioration of health and the commitment to establish a safe and healthy environment, including displacements, based on the following premises:
- Take into account in decision-making the legal and internal regulations on health and safety at work and road safety.
- Define an organizational structure, functions, procedures and resources necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the management systems.
- Implement and maintain management systems that identify, evaluate and control the risks associated with work, including also those associated with travel, establishing preventive planning based on work methods and procedures, information, training for workers, consultation and participation, use of protective equipment, health surveillance, emergency measures and use of vehicles, work equipment and materials appropriate to the activity, taking innovation into account.
- Promote a preventive culture by promoting good practices.
- Involve suppliers and subcontractors in the safety standards established in order to achieve their involvement.
- Provide the necessary tools and resources to improve the competence and awareness of our workers.
- Establish a commitment to continuous improvement and effective performance management based on objectives, system audits, monitoring indicators and investigation of incidents that have occurred, including traffic incidents.
- Obtain and maintain international certifications in the field of safety and health at work and road safety in order to be a reference where the company develops its activity.
This policy must be disseminated, implemented and known by all workers with the idea that its application is a priority in each and every one of the activities carried out and be available to other interested parties.