New contract of road maintenance

The contract “Maintenance and exploitation operations services, on the roads A-66 and N-432 (Badajoz province)” has started on the fifth of February, for the Ministry of Public Works.
A-66 includes the stretch between km 687+700 (Zafra) and km 740+000 (border of the province of Huelva). N-432 includes the stretch between km 69+400 (Zafra) and km 160+000 (border of the province of Córdoba).
Contract budget is 9,2 million of euros for four years. Contractor is Badajoz Sur J.V. (Matinsa 50%-Joca 50%).
The main works included in the contract are:
- Surveillance service and emergency attencion 24/7.
- Winter road service.
- Maintenance management, assets update, authorizations, complaints and infrastructure damages management.
- Asphalt maintenace, repainting, drainage, structures and environmental management.