Matinsa will manage motorways and highways maintenance contract in Navalmoral de la Mata area for the Regional Government of Extremadura in south west Spain
Matinsa will manage motorways and highways maintenance contract in Navalmoral de la Mata area for the Regional Government of Extremadura in south west Spain

Maintenance of EX-A1 j.v. , with Fcc Construcción, S.A. as 50% shareholder, was awarded in July 2017 the contract to operate and maintain highway EX-A1. Section: a-5 - Moraleja west and motorways EX-119, EX-118, ex-108. Section A-5 - Moraleja. EX-102. Section: EX-118 – province limit of Toledo and EX-387. Section: Bohonal de Ibor – provincial limit of Toledo. Time length is two years with an eventual extension of two additional years. Annual billing is € 2.2 million plus VAT. Matinsa will manage FCC´s share in the contract.
Total length of the roads is 425 km. Maintenance works started on September 1st. Scope includes accident management, repair/substitution of vertical signs, road markers, barriers, ditch cleaning, slope protection, pavement resurfacing, structures and drainage management, road marking, mowing, road patrol, drafting of technical and operation reports, winter serviceability, etc.
Built in 2011, the operation centre is located in Navalmoral de la Mata. Both office and warehouse were made available by the Regional Government of Extremadura for the J.V. to manage the contract. A call centre is operational 365/24/7.