Matinsa and FCC Industrial win the contract to renew the lighting of the Folgoso Tunnel (A-52) (Pontevedra)
Matinsa and FCC Industrial win the contract to renew the lighting of the Folgoso Tunnel (A-52) (Pontevedra)

Matinsa and FCC Industrial have won the contract to renew the lighting of the Folgoso Tunnel on the Rías Baixas Highway (A-52) (Pontevedra). The objective of the action is to improve the lighting installations of the Folgoso Tunnel, in accordance with the provisions of the Energy Efficiency Strategy of the State Highway Network.
This strategy, which aims to reduce energy consumption by 50% between 2022 and 2028, contemplates acting on lighting in tunnels and open-air sections, where intelligent lighting management systems will be implemented and the change of lighting will be promoted. high pressure sodium vapor luminaires using LED technology. Specifically, for the Folgoso tunnel, located between kilometer points 277.6 and 281.9 of the A-52 highway in the municipality of A Cañiza (Pontevedra), the replacement of the current luminaires that constitute the lighting is contemplated. permanent and reinforcement, the signaling, the evacuation galleries, the technical premises and the Control Center, with LED technology luminaires, maintaining the same position as the current ones.
Currently, the tunnel has a permanent lighting system based on 80 W FL discharge lamps, a security lighting system also based on 80 W FL discharge lamps and reinforcement lighting with 150 W HM discharge lamps. and 400W located in the mouths. In total there are 3,260 light points, 2 luminance meters and 7 units of DALI control equipment.
Additionally, the installation of electrical energy generation systems from renewable sources for self-consumption is planned.