Matinsa has finished the light efficiency improvement at Las Rozas (Madrid)


Matinsa has finished the light efficiency improvement at Las Rozas (Madrid)

Matinsa has worked at El Mirador Garden in Las Rozas to improve the lighting efficiency. There were fifty three 250 luminaries that were replaced with more efficient LED technology 37w. An important power reduction with a reduced budget, only 45.000€, has been achieved.

Improvement at Las Rozas (Madrid)

These works complete the efficiency audits reports completed in late 2016 for several companies.  Matinsa analyzed the possible improvements at important projects like Wanda stadium (Madrid), Vallirana tunnel (Cataluña), Yesa (Navarra) or Castrovido (Burgos) dams or Pajares tunnels for high speed railway (Asturias).

All of this studies and works increase Matinsa’s knowledge in smart lighting and energetic efficiency improving our capacity in this field.
