Good practices

1. Relationship with Society


Training, attention to the people around us, the experiences we share and those we learn, are elements that shape our way of being present in our environment and key elements for the result of our activities.

2. Atmospheric Emissions


Earthworks, machinery movement and demolition of buildings and structures are the activities with the highest emission of dust and particles. We act on them, minimizing or eliminating them, through irrigation, cleaning, powder coating, or through technologies that minimize these impacts.

3. Noise and Vibrations


Considering that our activity inevitably generates significant noise, our efforts are focused on actions that minimize or eliminate higher noise levels, through the use of more modern equipment or the option of schedules with less impact on the environment.

4. Water discharge


Water, being a resource of great value, requires an additional concern from its consumption, occupation or diversion of water lines and discharges. We act to make the use of water efficient, through its reuse or recycling, and thus eliminate or reduce associated discharges.

5. Use, contamination or loss of soils


Soil is a non-renewable resource in the short or medium term, characterized by its vulnerability. Among the measures adopted, we highlight the care of the vegetal land and its reuse on site, the restoration of the areas occupied by the works and the limitation of accesses and occupied space.

6. Use of Natural Resources


Our activity faces the need to optimize the consumption of the resources used, although the greatest effort is fundamentally in the selection of materials made in the design phase. Proper waste management, which promotes the possibility of reusing them on site, is the way in which we manage to reduce the consumption of these resources.

7. Waste production


Waste produced during construction activities is one of the main problems in the construction activity. Taking into account the environmental degradation of the surroundings, the depletion of areas destined for disposal and the need to optimize resources, it is essential to properly manage waste, often beyond what the legislation requires. All the waste that the work will produce is previously identified and quantified, as well as the destinations to be given to each one of them, separating immediately which ones are likely to be reused on site or in another nearby location.

8. Land Use Planning: biological diversity, urban environment


In addition to abiotic factors (water, air, soil), the construction sector, taking into account the diversity of places where it operates, also has a clear impact on some biotic factors, such as vegetation or animal species present. The conservation of biodiversity is a factor that concerns the company, so the measures applied in this field are centered on physical protection, transplantation and adaptation of work planning to the vital cycles. There are also practices that prevent the use of places, such as cleaning the accesses to the construction site, or promoting alternative accesses when occupying sidewalks or roads.